Most universities have procedures in place so that you aren't left confused for a long periods of time with no formal meeting to allow you to raise your concerns. For MSSL this takes place in a series of panel meetings (as I've already talked about a little in a previous post). My next panel meeting is one of the most serious. At it I have to present the work I've done so far and make the case for continuing on my PhD.
I have been very stressed for the past couple of weeks at MSSL because I've been working on my 9 month probation report that has to be handed in before this meeting. In the meeting I will have to give a short presentation based around the topics covered in my report. Then there will be a general discussion about my progress and how I feel everything is going. The report is due in exactly a month but I'd started early as I really wanted to impress.
My code is bug free now so while it's running I have lots of time for reading papers and writing insightful narratives about the history of my field. That was the idea. In reality the writing of my 'Magnum Opus' has so far involved my staring blankly at computer screens and incomprehensible scientific gibberish. I understand my field. I think. Just don't ask me to explain anything because I'll say that I don't really understand it all that well - by which i mean that I don't yet understand it better than my supervisor or all the other people that have been working on this stuff for longer than I've been alive. It's very difficult to be so inexperienced sometimes. I'm trying to be intelligent! It's just that my brain translates everything into ideas that I can understand and when I write that down it only sounds vaguely scientific and definitely not impressive.
I have to keep reminding myself that this is not my thesis. I have an awful lot to say but it is not physically possible to fit everything I know about comets (science-y or not) into 10-20 pages, which is all I'm allowed for this specific piece of work.
The Trevi Fountain in Rome, from my parents holiday photos. So jealous! |
Wish me luck with my probation report! I think I'll be tacking this particular beast for quite a while now... of course rumours abound that some in my year have already finished it!
I'd recommend AA roadside recovery (or similar). Then a man (usually, but not exclusively) comes to change your tyre, who is paid to do so and you don't need to apologise!
ReplyDeleteHope the panel meeting goes well.
I already have something similar but it takes them a long time to get there when you work in the middle of nowhere!